Welcome to Your CEO Transformation Journey!

Congratulations on stepping into your role as a CEO!

We understand the unique challenges and uncertainties that come with this exciting venture. Our guide, ‘Thrive as a Heart & Soul CEO: 5 Unspoken Mindset Shifts for Success,’ is designed to empower you on this transformative journey.

In the world of leadership and entrepreneurship, where stakes are high and expectations even higher, our guide offers profound insights. Discover how to embrace your inherent value, own your role as CEO, go beyond the numbers, trust yourself and others, and tap into your inner power.

These mindset shifts will not only reshape your understanding of leadership but also guide you through the turbulent seas of entrepreneurship. It’s time to lead authentically, make informed decisions, and thrive as a CEO. The power to shape your company’s future and find personal fulfillment is within your grasp.

Join us on this transformative journey today and unlock your CEO potential. Embrace these mindset shifts and lead your company to unparalleled success and fulfillment. Your CEO transformation starts here!

About Victoria Lynne Hannu

Victoria is a trusted advisor to soul-led business owners and the founder of Heart & Soul CEO where she works with her clients to master and integrate the soft-side of being a CEO with the business side.

She is a natural facilitator, mediator, and systematic, relational thinker who brings a human centered approach to business. As the oldest of five in a super dysfunctional family, another of her natural gifts is to bring calm and clarity to crazy and chaotic situations. She’s also really good with boundaries:😊.

Early on as an entrepreneur, in addition to working with her clients on business, she quickly found the primary focus often became one of working with them around the key relationships that were negatively impacting their business. It didn’t matter if it was family, employees, friends, partners, or otherwise.

By working collaboratively with her clients on their relationships, culture, and leadership structure, her clients have experienced harmony at work – and home, increased profitability, and have created a sustainable foundation that has enabled them to grow into the future.

CEO & Founder, Heart & Soul CEO